Prerequisite for this tutorial:

OS: CentOS 8

Before you begin

Read these instructions carefully from start to finish. Make sure that you understand each step before starting the upgrade. 

Setup and configuration:

PostgreSQL host:
PostgreSQL port: 5432
PostgreSQL user: postgres
Newired Portal: 21.0.1
Newired Portal path: /opt/Newired
Newired license file: /opt/Newired/tomcat/conf/newired.license
HTTP port (tomcat internal service): 8090
Newired default language: en_US
Newired Portal URL address: http://__YOUR_SERVER__


Stop the Newired service

sudo systemctl stop newired

Check the Newired service stop

sudo systemctl status newired



Create a backup folder and backup application files:

sudo mkdir -p /opt/Newired-backup/
sudo cp -r /opt/Newired /opt/Newired-backup/

Create SQL dumps of the production data and delete production databases:

sudo pg_dump -C -h -p 5432 -U postgres -W -d newired -f /opt/Newired-backup/newired.sql
sudo pg_dump -C -h -p 5432 -U postgres -W -d collector -f /opt/Newired-backup/collector.sql
sudo pg_dump -C -h -p 5432 -U postgres -W -d report -f /opt/Newired-backup/report.sql
sudo psql -h -U postgres -W -c "DROP DATABASE newired;" -c "DROP DATABASE collector;" -c "DROP DATABASE report;"

Uninstall the 21.0.1 version of Newired and remove its installation folder

sudo /opt/Newired/uninstall

The uninstaller will ask for your confirmation, press "enter":

Then remove installation Newired folder:

sudo rm -rf /opt/Newired

Download Newired Portal 21.1.0 and SQL update scripts from
And save files to /opt/ on your server:


Allow the execution of the .SH file with the following command:

sudo chmod +x /opt/

Start the installation:

sudo /opt/ -c

The installation will start, and you will be now guided through the installer:

Read guidance and press "enter" to continue.

Accept agreements by writing "1" and pressing "enter" to confirm:

Press enter to continue with the default value in brackets, or write and confirm a different path:

Press "enter" to continue with the default value in brackets or select a different path if you did not delete Newired directory:

Press "enter" to continue with the default value in brackets or select a different path if you did not delete Newired directory:

Choose features by writing numbers of them separated by comma, or press "enter" to continue with default selection in brackets:

If you want to create symlinks, press enter, otherwise write "n" and confirm with enter:

Press "enter" to continue with default value in brackets or write path and confirm with "enter":

Press "enter" to continue with default value in brackets or write a port number and confirm with "enter":

Press "enter" to continue with default value in brackets or write a port number and confirm with "enter":

Write path to license file and press "enter" to confirm or press "enter" to continue with default value in brackets:

Write domain name and press "enter" to confirm  or press "enter" to continue with default value in brackets:

Write path and press "enter" to confirm or press "enter" to continue with default value in brackets:

Write url and press "enter" to confirm or press "enter" to continue with default value in brackets:

Write name and press "enter" to confirm or press "enter" to continue with default value in brackets:

Write port number and press "enter" to confirm or press "enter" to continue with default value in brackets:

Write password and press "enter" to confirm or press "enter" to continue with default value in brackets:

Write file storage URL and press "enter" to confirm or press "enter" to continue with default value in brackets:

Write file storage port and press "enter" to confirm or press "enter" to continue with default value in brackets:

Write file storage user name and press "enter" to confirm or press "enter" to continue with default value in brackets:

Write file storage password and press "enter" to confirm or press "enter" to continue with default value in brackets:

Select your default language. This language will be used as default when creating a new journey. Write number of language and press "enter" to confirm or press "enter" to continue with default value (EN english US):

Installation will proceed:

We will stop the Newired service as soon as the installation process has finished

sudo systemctl stop newired

Check that Newired service stops  

sudo systemctl status newired

Remove the production databases of just installed Newired 21.1.0

sudo psql -h -U postgres -W -c "DROP DATABASE newired;" -c "DROP DATABASE collector;" -c "DROP DATABASE report;"

Import procedure for the databases that we backed up at the beginning of the upgrade process (SQL files includes creating newired, collector and report databases)

sudo psql -h -U postgres -W < /opt/Newired-backup/newired.sql

sudo psql -h -U postgres -W < /opt/Newired-backup/collector.sql
sudo psql -h -U postgres -W < /opt/Newired-backup/report.sql

Run the SQL scripts to update the database from 21.0.1 to 21.1.0

sudo psql -h -U postgres -W -d newired < /opt/newired-sql-updates-21_1_0/database_update21.0.0_to_21.1.0_newired.sql

Note: If you have an older version of the portal, it is necessary to run SQL scripts of older versions. SQL files of previous versions can be found at

Copy the tomcat configuration from the previous installation

yes | sudo cp -rf /opt/Newired-backup/Newired/tomcat/conf/* /opt/Newired/tomcat/conf/

Copy files from the Delivery server from the previous installation

sudo cp -rf /opt/Newired-backup/Newired/content/* /opt/Newired/content/

Check folders /opt/Newired-backup/Newired/plugins and /opt/Newired-backup/Newired/themes
Copy if there are other plugins and themes than default to /opt/Newired/plugins and /opt/Newired/themes
Default Plugins and Themes must be new from version 21.1.0

Start the Newired service

sudo systemctl start newired

Check that Newired service started

sudo systemctl status newired
