Newired style and color can be modified, in order to better fit the style of the target application.
In order to do that, you need to follow a few steps:
Download Newired update package from here:

Open the Terminal and go to the folder where you downloaded the update package (use the cd command), then type unzip -d <NEW FOLDER NAME> to unzip the package

Type cd <NEW FOLDER NAME>/newired-update-xx_x_x

Inside the current folder, there is a file called “newired.war”. WAR files are a special kind of compressed file.
Type unzip newired.war -d newired_tmp to uncompress the file.

Type cd newired_tmp/WEB-INF/classes/launcher/package

Type vi NW_user.css

- Now you can, in the terminal, change the values of the attributes to match your preferences (remember neither to add nor remove any properties).
- To start editing, press i on the keyboard (The writing “-- INSERT --” should appear in the terminal, as shown in the image below).

- To stop editing, press ESC on the keyboard
- When you have finished modifying the file, type :x and press Enter to save and close the file
- Type cd ../../../../ and press Enter to get in newired_tmp
- Type zip -r ../newired.war * to generate a new WAR file
- To complete the customization, you need to follow Newired update process.